Doha: Grand Mall Hypermarket, a prominent retail chain in Qatar, brought a splash of color to its Pongal celebrations by organizing a Rangoli competition at its Esdan store. The event, held in collaboration with the Tamil Singha Girls Association, aimed to promote cultural traditions while fostering community engagement.
competition witnessed over 50 pre-registered participants displaying their
artistic flair and creativity in designing intricate Rangoli patterns. Winners
were awarded cash vouchers and prizes, adding to the festive spirit. The
vibrant event highlighted the skill and dedication of the participants, drawing
appreciation from attendees for the rich cultural showcase.
Chirakkal, Regional Director of Grand Mall, extended his heartfelt gratitude to
all participants and attendees who contributed to the success of the event. He
emphasized the mall’s commitment to celebrating cultural diversity by
organizing programs and festivals that resonate with the interests of customers
from all walks of life. Grand Mall, a member of the ICC Advisory Board, remains
dedicated to bringing communities together through meaningful initiatives.